If you haven't noticed, which I'm sure you obviously have since I just know that each and every single one of you go over my blog with a fine toothed comb every time you visit. Which I'm sure is everyday. Ya know, just to see if there is anything new. Right?
That's what I thought.
Well ... I have been seeing those Google Friend Connect thing on a ton of blogs ... and not wanting to be left out, I added one to my blog too! Finally. After like two years of it being on my list of things to do.
I know, I know ... you all wish you could be as "on it" as I am. My advice to you is ... just stick with it. Don't ever give up. In time and with some practice, you can be as cool as me. Really. You can. I'm sure of it.
Anyway, if you look over there to your right, and maybe scroll up or down or something ... you will see it in the sidebar. I originally had it up at the top by the twitter and facebook link, to make it easy as possible for you, but BlogHer squawked at me that their ads weren't showing high enough with it up there. So I had to move it down below their ads. Amazing what someone will do to earn $2.39 a month, huh?
Once you find it, you'll also see that it's obvious I am the only one who likes me. Does that make me conceited? I don't know, but I'm the only follower or member or whatever they call it, so it is what it is.
Here is the deal ... I want to fake everyone out who stumbles across this place and make it look like I have tons of friends. Like SO MANY people out there that love and adore me. And that's where you come in ... and I know I can count on you.
You're smart. I know you know what to do. In case you are having a rough day, it means you need to follow me on the Google thing over there. In my sidebar.
So do it! I fully intend to have at least 3 followers by the end of the weekend.
And if you don't ... I'm going to reach through the screen and give you a big ol' wet willy.
Don't test me.