Twelve years and four kids later ... I can finally say with confidence that I'm becoming quite the expert at this parenting gig. I mean, in the past, our mornings were full of yelling, whining, screaming, meltdowns, time outs (which were usually mostly for me) tears, tantrums ... well, you get the point, right?
Well, not anymore.
Why? Because I've learned to pick my battles. Either that, or they've finally worn me down and I just don't give a hoot anymore.
Whichever it may be ... our mornings are peaceful and productive these days. For the most part, I mean, let us not forget we are still the same dysfunctional family we've always been.
However, now is more of give and take. If I am going to take these easy going mornings ... I have to give my children the freedom to leave the house in outfits of their choice.
Take for example Molly. She left today in this fancy dress skirt and dirty tennis shoes, and a t-shirt to boot. However, that stained t-shirt of hers ... suits her so well. Don't you agree?