This morning as we were getting ready for school, it became time to put on our shoes. As both of the girls slipped on their sneakers, Molly began to whine because I insisted on tying hers.
Molly: MOM! I know how to tie.
Me: I know you do, but when you are going to school, I want them to be tight and knotted so they STAY tied.
Molly: Did you tie Emily's shoes in kindergarten?
Me: Yes. She didn't learn how to tie until the end of her kindergarten year.
Molly: And I know how to tie at the BEGINNING of the year.
Me: Keep in mind that Emily teaches you how to do a lot of the things that you wouldn't know how to do at this age if it weren't for her.
Molly: Yup, just like the boys teach me bad words.
Yeah ... kinda. I guess.