While it's quite flattering to receive email after email wondering where I've been and if everything is okay ... I must say, I have missed blogging something fierce. Really. I have.
So then why haven't I been blogging? The answer is quite simple. I don't know.
It would be so much more understandable if I said something like ... "The kids have been passing around the flu for the past three months. We just haven't been able to get rid of it. It's been a nightmare."
But, the only sickness we've encountered around here is a fever.
Bieber Fever.
And it's pretty much turning into a nightmare. This is what my life has come to these days ... Lord help me ...
Oh ... and yes. I do bathe my children and occasionally brush their hair. Just sayin'. My heavens they look like rag-a-muffins, don't they? Good grief.
(If you take the time to watch the whole video (it's only like 3 min), you'll see that times have not changed. Remember this? In typical Emily and Molly fashion, there is a little competition going on over camera time! Cracks me up!)