After an incredible two days of baseball, it was suggested by one of the parents that we throw the boys a little party, after the last game, to acknowledge all the hard work and dedication that they put forth on a regular basis.
Pretty great idea, if I don't say so myself ...
With that being said, I think it's obvious that I was not the one who thought of it.
Just sayin'.
Anyway, one of the parents volunteered to pick up the pizza, as well as open up their house and pool for the team and their siblings to invade.
It was a very nice gesture.
And a very nice evening.
Everything was going so well.
So you know that someone in my family would have to go and screw it up. Why? Because we're so good at it. Duh?
This time, that someone would be Molly, as it so often is.
She had been asked several times to "STOP RUNNING" through the garage and driveway. But, because she is "Molly", she chose to ignore those requests. Such an independent little one that Molly is, I tell ya.
Well ... I know you know what's coming ...
It's so obvious ...
... but I didn't expect it to be THIS bad.
As she was "running" down the driveway, playing a game with her friends, she tripped over her own feet and fell face first into the cement. Managing to scrape up her forehead, nose, elbow and both knee. She cried for a bit, but then took off to check out her wounds in the bathroom mirror. Such a tough little booger.
** Photo Taken The Day After The Fall **
The disturbing part of this whole situation?
Emily stomps her foot and says, "Molly! I'm so jealous! It looks like you have a tattoo of flames on your nose! No fair!"
Oh dear heavens ...